1.5 oz Papa's Pilar® Blonde Rum
3 oz Natalie's Guava Lemonade
1 tbsp honey
1 peach, sliced
½ a lemon
Mint for garnish
In a cocktail shaker combine ice, guava lemonade, rum, ½ of the peach slices, 2 slices of lemon, and honey. Shake well for 30 seconds. Strain over an ice sphere (or fresh ice) and garnish with remaining grilled peaches, mint, and lemon slices.
For Grilled Peach:
Heat your grill or grill pan over medium high heat. Slice the peach into wedges and slice the lemon. On the grill pan or grill, place the fruit down and grill for 2-3 minutes. Flip. Remove the grilled peaches and lemon slices and set aside.
For Grilled Peach:
Heat your grill or grill pan over medium high heat. Slice the peach into wedges and slice the lemon. On the grill pan or grill, place the fruit down and grill for 2-3 minutes. Flip. Remove the grilled peaches and lemon slices and set aside.